Mr. Pineapple landed his dream job a couple weeks ago. He now works in his hometown at his alma mater, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He absolutely loves the job so far and I cannot be more proud of him. The downside? IUP is an hour and a half away from our home. These last two weeks mark the first time he and I have worked more than two miles away from one another. There is no more commuting to work together - which began very soon after we started dating, no more lunch breaks or quick trips to grab coffee in the afternoon. I no longer have a buddy to ride with me to work, first on the trolley and then on a lovely port authority bus. We see each other about 3-4 hours/day less than we ever have. Not a big deal, no. However, I miss him. It's crazy because we still live together and have dinner together and run the puppy around the backyard together, but I miss him.
Yesterday I had an interview myself at IUP. The position is amazing. It is pretty much the same job I have now, but better. I would still be able to design for the college community, but with an even wider audience. I would also, once again, be working at the same university as Mr. Pineapple.
If I get this job we will be moving to Indiana, PA. No more 3 hour/day commutes. Moving? Really? Now? Yep. If I get an offer the boxes will come back out of the basement and once again be filled with our stuff. We have a lot of "stuff." Moving is stressful for anyone, but I particularly loathe it. This will be home number 6 (move number 5) for me in 2 years. I have yet to fulfill a lease agreement. That's crazy. Lucky for me my landlords have either let me sublet my space or work out some other arrangement. The last time I moved, I ended up in the ER. My rib cage became inflamed from lifting heavy boxes combined with all the stress.
Of course the "big things" don't end there. This may be too much information for some readers, but I think it is important and you all love boobies right? Well, last December I felt a lump in my breast. I always wondered if I would be able to tell if there was a lump. Not knowing if it actually was anything I made an appointment with a doctor the next morning. He confirmed that is was a lump, but didn't know if it was a cyst or tumor. A few weeks, an ultrasound and a biopsy later I was told it was a tumor, but it was benign - called a fibroadenoma. I am 24 with a boobie tumor. Apparently, it is much more common than you may think, so ladies feel your boobies at least once a month ;)
Six months later, it has grown and it has to be removed. My surgery was schedule for last Friday. I was prepped for surgery, IV and all, when the doctor came in and said there was a humidity problem in the OR and my surgery would have to be canceled. I am very thankful that they didn't take a risk and proceed, but I was also disappointed. I really just wanted to get the whole ordeal over with. New appointment, June 20th.
The kicker? The new job, interview, surgery are just the tip of the iceberg for the Pineapples. When it rains, it pours and we are drenched.
We are lucky though. We have wonderfully supportive friends and family. Yesterday was a hard day, but when I got home and my puppy and a FedEx box were waiting for me the stress started to melt away. My bridesmaid, and one of the most wonderful people in my life, Christy had sent us a get well present assuming I would still be recovering from Friday. It may seem like a little gesture to some, but it was huge to me.
Inside the box was another box, of Blissful Brownies - a dozen huge brownies and a note.

Has anyone else gone through major life changes while planning a wedding?
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